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School of Public Health

Source: Date:2024-07-10

The schoolof public healthcurrently has 74faculty. Among them, thereare 2 chief professors,22 specially-appointed professors.Thirty-twofaculty had ever study abroad,and70 faculty has Ph.D degree.There are17 professors, 21 associate professors, 15 doctoral supervisors,and65 master's supervisorsin our school.One experts worked inState Council Academic Committee Discipline Evaluation Group,another expertsworked inthe National Natural Science Foundation of China's Expert Advisory Committee. Among all staff, there areone National Distinguished Young Scholar, one Taishan Scholar, one expert in the national high-level talent program, five young Taishan Scholars, one Shandong Overseas Distinguished Youth Scholar, two vice presidents and one executive director of national societies,oneWHO Nutrition Expert Advisory Committee member, a UN FAO/WHO Nutrition Expert Group expert, the president of the Asia Pacific Clinical Nutrition Society, a member of the National Food and Drug Administration's Health Food Safety Expert Committee, the chief expert in Basic Nutrition Science Communication for the China Association for Science and Technology, four chairpersons of national first-level society branches, and 13 provincial society leaders and directors.Wehas an editor-in-chief for the Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition (SCI), an associate editor for Food & Function (SCI), a statistics editor for the British Journal of Nutrition (SCI), and editorial board members for 12 international journals such as the Journal of Biochemistry Nutrition (SCI), Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism (SCI), Biochemical Pharmacology (SCI),andfive domestic core journal editors.

The development of school of public healthbegan in the 1950s.Wewas authorized to award the Masterdegreeof Public Health (MPH)in 2010,followed by master's degree in Public Health and Preventive Medicine in 2011. In 2014,wewas approved to establish a post-doctoral research station in Public Health and Preventive Medicine. In 2018,wewas authorized to award doctoral degrees in Public Health and Preventive Medicine.Currently,we arethe high-levelSchool ofPublic HealthinShandong Province,as well asPreventive Medicinewasthe national first-class undergraduate programconstruction points.

There are670 full-time studentsin school of public health currently, including 360 undergraduates, 280 masterstudents, and 35 doctoral students. The school consists of sixdepartments:nutrition andfoodhygiene,toxicology,epidemiology andhealthstatistics,occupational andenvironmentalhealth,microbialsurveillance andbiosafety,andchild andadolescent Health. In recent years,wehas undertaken nearly100scientific research projects,with research funding of nearly 40 million yuan.